[CD] Vol.9 Contemporary Music (5 - 8)6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

[CD] Vol.9 Contemporary Music (5 - 8)6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

  • Genre: Tokyo International Choir Competition
  • Publisher: Brain Music
  • Item No: F824319


Media: CD

Event Name: 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

Date: 2024/7/26-28

Venue: Dai-ichi Seimei Hall

Category: Contemporary Music (5 - 8)

  1. University of the Philippines
    Los Baños Choral Ensemble
  2. Manila Chamber Singers
  4. Toyota City Boys and Girls Choir youth

◆University of the Philippines Los Baños Choral Ensemble

1 Petrus Peter
Music by Z. Randall Stroope
2 The Tyger
Words by W illiam Blake
Music by 田中 達也 Tatsuya Tanaka
3 La Patasola The Patasola
Words by Javier Ocampo López
Music by Ily Matthew Maniano

◆Manila Chamber Singers

1 Cantus Gloriosus
Music by Józef ?wider
2 Flanders Fields
Words by John McCrae
Music by Paul Aitken
3 The Tyger
Words by W illiam Blake
Music by 田中 達也 Tatsuya Tanaka


1 The Tyger
Words by W illiam Blake
Music by 田中 達也 Tatsuya Tanaka
2 Daemon Irrepit Callidus
Music by Gyorgy Orb án
3 Dies Irae
Music by Michael John Trotta
4 Dumaleng
Words and Music by Indonesian Folksong
Arranged by Ken Steven

◆豊田市少年少女合唱団 ユース
 Toyota City Boys and Girls Choir youth

1 The Tyger
Words by W illiam Blake
Music by 田中 達也 Tatsuya Tanaka
2 無伴奏女声合唱のための小組曲「神々の母に捧げる詩」
A Poem to the Mother of the Gods
Words by ネイティブ・アメリカンの口承詩
Oral poetry of the Native American
Translated by 金関 寿夫 Hisao Kanaseki
Music by 信長 貴富 Takatomi Nobunaga

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