[CD] Vol.11 Grand Prix Competition (1 - 6)6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

[CD] Vol.11 Grand Prix Competition (1 - 6)6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

  • Genre: Tokyo International Choir Competition
  • Publisher: Brain Music
  • Item No: F824321


Media: CD

Event Name: 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

Date: 2024/7/26-28

Venue: Dai-ichi Seimei Hall

Category: Grand Prix Competition (1 - 6)

◆拔萃歌詠團 Diocesan Choral Society

1. Jubilate Deo
Music by 松下 耕 Ko Matsushita
2. I am not yours
Words by Sarah Teasdale
Music by Z.Randall Stroope

◆Toyota City Boys and Girls Choir youth

1. 無伴奏女声合唱のための小組曲「神々の母に捧げる詩」
A Poem to the Mother of the Gods
Words by ネイティブ・アメリカンの口承詩
Oral poetry of the Native American
Translated by 金関 寿夫 Hisao Kanaseki
Music by 信長 貴富 Takatomi Nobunaga
2. Ave Regina caelorum Ⅱ
Music by Rihards Dubra

◆Victoria Chorale

1. Shall We Gather at the River
Words and Music by Robert Lowry
Arranged by Blake Morgan
2. Bin-Nam-Ma Endless Rain
Words by Catalan folk song
Music by Alberto Grau

◆Cancao Nova

1. The Alphabet
from Nonsense Madrigals
Music by Gyorgy Ligeti
2. Tenebrae
from Drei Gedichte von Paul Celan
Three Poems by Paul Celan
Words by Paul Celan
Music by Marcus Ludwig

◆University of the Philippines Los Baños Choral Ensemble

1. La Patasola
Words by Javier Ocampo López
Music by Ily Matthew Maniano
2. I Am Here with You Always
Words by Regina Alcala
Music by Nilo Alcala II

◆The Akita Vocal Music Collegium Mixed Choir

1 ぜんぶEverything
from さくらももこの詩による無伴奏混声合唱曲集「ぜんぶここに」
Everything is Here
Words by さくら ももこ Momoko Sakura
M usic by 相澤 直人 Naoto Aizawa
2 ボクはウタI Am a Song
Words by 江村 美紀 Miki Emura
Music by 信長 貴富 Takatomi Nobunaga

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