[CD] Vol.10 Folklore Music6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

[CD] Vol.10 Folklore Music6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

  • Genre: Tokyo International Choir Competition
  • Publisher: Brain Music
  • Item No: F824320-12


Media: CD

Event Name: 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

Date: 2024/7/26-28

Venue: Dai-ichi Seimei Hall

Category: Folklore Music

  1. Campanella Olomouc
  3. Voice of Satya Wacana Chirstian University
  5. Chór Kameralny Zachodniopomorskiego
    Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
  2. Administratio Choir
  3. Evgeni Mikeladzis saxelobis
    centraluri saswavleblis Gundi
  4. Ko Chorus


◆Campanella Olomouc

1 Veneček A little Wreath
Words by Czech Folk Poetry
Music by Zdeněk Luk áš
2 Hoj , hura , hoj O Mountain, O!
Words by A M oravian Czech Mountain Song
Music by Otmar M ácha
3 Bodajbyv ás
Words and Music by Czech Folk Poetry
Arranged by Eugen Suchoň


1 アイウエおはよう ( A-I-U-E-O)
2 ヘラヘラの神さま The God Who Laughs Foolishly
3 ほったろこいCome, Fireflies
from 無伴奏女声・児童合唱組曲「尾張・三河のわらべうた」〈その一〉
Children's Songs from OWARI & MIKAWA Vol.1
Words by 尾張・三河のわらべうた Children's Songs of Owari & Mikawa
Music by 水野 七星 Nanayo Mizuno

◆Voice of Satya Wacana Christian University

1 Oh Adingkoh My Sister
Words by Central Kalmantan folk song
Music by Gerhard Gere
2 Tari Kembang Soka The Soka Flower Dance
Words and Music by Ponorogo Traditional Dance
Arranged by Budi Susanto Yohanes


1 Gat Lúa Đong Xuan Harvesting rice in the Winter
Words and Music by Bana ethnic folk song
Arranged by Dien Ta, Ngoc
2 Ruem Lullaby
Words and Music by Sedang ethnic folk song
Arranged by Dien Ta, Ngoc
3 Chi Ri Ria
Words and Music by E De ethnic folk song
Arranged by Dien Ta, Ngoc

◆Chór Kameralny Zachodniopomorskiego  Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie

1 Namawiała Kasia Jasia Kate encourages John
Words and Music by Polish folk song
Arranged by Romuald Twardowski
2 Padodysc Pouring rain
Words and Music by Stanisław Wiechowicz
Arranged by Piotr Jańczak
3 Lećgłosieporosie Fly my voice across dew
Words and Music by Polish folk song
Arranged by Marcin Wawruk
4 Prząśniczka Spinning girl
Words by Jan Czeczot
Music by Stanisław Moniuszko
Arranged by Jerzy Rachubiński



1 落水天Rainy Days
Words and Music by 客家民謠 Hakka Folksong
Arranged by 杜萬勝 Ban Sheng Toh
2 數青蛙Counting Frogs
Words and Music by 四川民歌 Sichuan Folk Song
Arranged by Zechariah Goh

◆Administratio Choir

1 Janger
Words and Music by Traditional Balinese
Arranged by A gustinus Bambang Jusana & Avip Priatna
2 Benggong
Words and Music by Indonesian Folksong
Arranged by Ken Steven

◆Evgeni Mikeladzis saxelobis centraluri saswavleblis Gundi

1 ვარადო ( Varad ) Rock song
Words and Music by Old A bkhazian song
2 ი მერული ნადური (Imeruli Naduri )
Words and Music by Georgian farmer's song

 Ko Chorus

1 慈母手中線The Sewing Threads In The Hands of a Loving Mother
(Song of a Sojourner)
Words and Music by 何崇志 Steve Ho
2 俠海豪情A Legend of Heroes
Words by 黄霑 James Wong
Music by 顧嘉煇 Joseph Koo
Arranged by 許家臻 Ernest Hui

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