[CD] Vol.3 School-based Choir / Youth Choir6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

[CD] Vol.3 School-based Choir / Youth Choir6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

  • Genre: Tokyo International Choir Competition
  • Publisher: Brain Music
  • Item No: F824313


Media: CD

Event Name: 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition

Date: 2024/7/26-28

Venue: Dai-ichi Seimei Hall

Category: School-based Choir

  1. Ying Wa Girls' School Choir
  3. Haguro High School Choir

Category: Youth Choir

  1. Jauniešu koris BALSIS
  2. Toyota City Boys and Girls Choir youth

学校合唱部門 School-based Choir

 Ying Wa Girls' School Choir

1 雨 雨Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi
2 太陽出來啦 The sun is coming up
Words by 田豐 Feng Tien
Music by 劉麟 Lin Liu
Arranged by 桑葉松 Ye
3 Magos a rutafa High Grows the Rue
Words by Folk song from


1 雨 雨 Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi
2 七夕の想い Wishes of the Star Festival
from 合唱組曲「夜空の記憶のどこかに」 Memory of the Night Sky
Words by 文部省唱歌/佐藤 賢太郎
Based on a Japanese Kids Song / Additional Text by Kentaro Sato
Music by 佐藤 賢太郎 Kentaro Sato
3 夜の霜Night Frost
from 無伴奏混声合唱組曲「よき友とともに」 With a good Friend
Words by 室生 犀星 Saisei Muro
Music by 北川 昇 Noboru Kitagawa

 Haguro High School Choir

1 Cantus omnibus unus One song unto all
Words by 全日本合唱連盟 Japan Choral Association
Music by 坂本 龍一 Ryuichi Sakamoto
2 雨 雨 Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi
3 Ⅱ
from 混声合唱のための「おらしょ」カクレキリシタン3つの歌
“ORASHO” 3 movement of cypto
Music by 千原 英喜 Hideki Chihara

◆Vinschool One

1 O Tro Temporary Shelter
Words and Music by Cong Son, Trinh
Arranged by Dien Ta, Ngac
2 Ngau n hien For tuitous
Words and Music by Cong Son, Trinh
Arranged by Xuan Hieu, Vũ
3 雨 雨 Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi


1 雨 雨Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi
2 A Boy and a Girl
Words by O ctavio Paz
Music by Eric Whitacre
3 Paris Barantai
Words by Traditional Indonesian folk song
Music by Anang Ardiansyah
Arranged by Ken Steven

ユース部門 Youth Choir

◆Jauniešu koris BALSIS

1 Converte Domine
Music by Paulus Bucenus
2 Pērkonami melni zirgi
Thunder has Black Horses
from Mītiskās dziesmas Mythical songs
Words by Latviešu tautas folkloras materiāl
Latvian folksong materials and incantations
Music by Vilnis šmīdbergs
3 雨 雨 Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi

◆豊田市少年少女合唱団 ユース
 Toyota City Boys and Girls Choir youth

1 O vos omnes
Music by Tom ás Luis de Victoria
2 雨 雨 Rain Rain
Words by 尾形 亀之助 Kamenosuke Ogata
Music by 山内 雅弘 Masahiro Yamauchi
3 Vir ágsi rató Flower Lament
Words by Zsuzsa Beney
Music by József Karai
4 Hodie Christus natus est
Music by József Karai

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