I. Black Snake Dance in Malara Konad II. Malediction III. Lightning Dance
Inspired by the book "Ritual of Snakes" by German art historian Aby Moritz Warbur (1886-1929). However, the actual composition does not depict the story in the book but the composer's imaginary rituals. The work is in three parts.I. Black Snake Dance in Malara KonadMalara Konad is a small village that existed until a century ago in Southeast Asia. In this region, snakes were feared as "bringers of evil". Consequently, a cruel ritual took place a few times each year where they struck snakes on the ground and tore them apart.II. MaledictionA ritual that was known from Eastern Europe to Russia. Three monks recite an incantation that is sometimes slow and passive and other times fast and violent. III. Lightning DanceRitual of Pueblo Indians in America. Snakes they worship are drawn like lightning bolts. Perhaps for them, snakes possess a divine power similar to that of lightning. The Pueblos worship the snakes they have caught with stone-made musical instruments. They continuously dance violently day and night.
(Kazunari Ozaki)