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[DOWNLOAD] Midnight Windscape - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets Commissioned by the Kaze no Wa clarinet quartet. I made a piece about the wind passing through the glittering light of an urban building at midnight. I hope you will play while enjoying the "wind speed" of the clarinet. The wind frames various landscapes, such as the cityscape and people's... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Mixing Material - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets This work is based on the concept that sounds are likened to colors and mixed to create a unified sound mass. While interweaving consonant and dissonant sounds within a limited motif, it exhibits both a swell of sound and musical coherence. It incorporates a puzzle element (thrill) from players'... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Pele - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets Commissioned by Clarinet Ensemble of Soka Gloria Wind Orchestra for ensemble contest, 2001. "Pele" is the name of the goddess of fire who lives in a volcano and appears in Hawaiian folk tales. She often appears to humans in the form of a woman, attracting men with her beauty. Also known for her... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Red Impulse - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets Commissioned by Gral Wind Orchestra Clarinet Section Premiered on December 19, 2010 Kanagawa State Ensemble Contes. Red Impulse considers the variability of a puzzle being assembled with abstract sounds. The work values acoustics and space over the importance of melody and harmony. Red Impulse... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Rumba Sequence - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets Commissioned by Soka Gloria Wind Orchestra for the 2002 Ensemble Contest. "Rumba" is Cuban black folk music for percussion and chorus. It has complex rhythms including polyrhythm. The rumba recognized in dance is not the same as the Cuban rumba, and is thought to be a variant of the country's... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Scarborough Fair - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)3 Bb Clarinets Bb Bass Clarinet Scarborough Fair became world renowned when Simon & Garfunkel covered the tune. It came from a traditional English ballad of the 16th Century. Scarborough is a tourist town on the North Sea coast of North Yorkshire. This arrangement starts quietly with solo bass clarinet,... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Tenkai Hisho - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)4 Bb Clarinets This is the sixth transcendental etude in the series. As each etude had a specific technical concept, this one is "expressing dynamics". Interpretation of written dynamics is crucial for artistic expression, hence the title "transcendental". The same dynamic marking can have different meanings... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &... -
[DOWNLOAD] Tereko - Clarinet Quartet
Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score & Parts)Bb Clarinet 1 Bb Clarinet 2 Bb Clarinet 3 Bb Clarinet 4 Commissioned work for Trois Fleches Clarinet Ensemble. "Tereko" is a Japanese word in the Kansai dialect, meaning "alternate" or "transposition". The choice of "tereko" as the theme was quite unconventional for me. Before composing, I considered using a... Also Available Physically Physical Sheet Music SAMPLE SCOREDownload set (Score &...